what is Spiritual Love?

9 min readJul 30, 2021


Spiritual love, which is a spiritual phenomenon. And by this there is separation from one soul to another,due to which there is superimposition of the soul, repulsion, eclipse of the soul and the apparent annihilation of the soul.

For this reason let us take an example to study the soul and its behavior, which will be easy to understand. Let us take the example of a person who is a perfect intellectual person, that is, who believes in something only after testing it to the test of his logical knowledge. But he is not a knower of spirituality. It means he is intellectually rich and spiritually innocent. Spiritual love is actually a kindness. But this is no ordinary mercy. It is an infinite, uncontrolled and extreme form of mercy. When any action becomes excessive, it becomes a disease. Like being fat, being thin, waking up, sleeping, etc., when they increase in excessive form, they become a disease. Similarly, if mercy continues uncontrollably and the conflict of emotions together and it cannot be stopped by intelligence, discretion, then that too is a disease in fact the disease of the soul which is related to the soul

If mercy increases infinitely towards someone and it becomes uncontrolled, then it is spiritual love, this kindness is not ordinary kindness because ordinary kindness can be controlled by intelligence, discretion. But the infinite infinite mercy that arises in spiritual love is completely free from the control of the intellect and reason. If a similar incident happens to this character of ours.

As soon as it comes in contact with another soul and a small disturbance arises in its soul. As if someone has put a small pebble in some still water, due to which a stir has been created in the whole water. That disturbance may have shown a little pity for that lover, but the disturbance created by the disturbance was as if one had felt the tremors of an earthquake for the first time in life and the whole earth was shaken, in fact this movement was of his soul. A little mercy from that separation, but many feelings arose from that solution. Even everything is normal because it is not a big deal to have a little pity and feelings. Even everything is normal but in the same way if there is a small wound on any part of the body then there is nothing to worry too much. But what if the same wound is cancerous? But it will be known only when he grows or does not get better, similarly if he gets a little dissatisfaction, pity and feelings permanently, then the character tries to stop them and the more he tries, the feelings increase instead of calming down. Went.

But when he sees the lover again, this time the fury of pity towards him was even more intense and when he with all his intelligence tries to stop these feelings and thinks that this is not my goal. The goal of my life is something else, I do not have to go on this path at all, it is creating a deviation from my goal. In this way he tries to make himself tougher and when he sees his lover again, there is a small disturbance. . …3 Spiritual love has turned into a tidal ebb and the waves of emotions emanating from it were taking the form of a tsunami. Now from here onwards, we will try to know this story in two different situations. The effect and outcome of each situation is different. STATEMENT I: In the first case, the character is absolutely determined not to get carried away by emotions because these feelings are driving me towards something that is not the goal of my life, and he also knows that that it will eventually take me to the pit. Just as a person gets a terrible intoxication, even then he tries to get control over it by his intellect. STATEMENT II: In this situation the character does not make any effort to fight with himself but wants to get carried away by the emotions even more. And is glad to know that he has fallen in love, and wants to inflame his feelings even more. He has no idea why this is happening, what are the sources of this? In this situation, the character uses his intellect and discretion to sway himself into even more emotions. That movement itself started within it, but he finds its cause and center in his beloved. On the contrary, the cause and center of all this is understood by his girlfriend in that character. Since we have to know about the existence and nature of the soul, therefore we first want to know the first condition that if this state is taken to infinity, then what results come out. Because the result of the second situation is known to almost everyone and no one wants to know much about it. The most important thing in the first situation is the person’s self Conflict, and seeks to find answers to the questions that have arisen within ourselves because of this conflict.

Now he wants to know what is it that is beyond the control of his intellect, prudence and rational knowledge?

And where are these feelings coming from?

And why doesn’t the mind have control over them?

And where is it in me?

If he does not want to drift away and does not deviate from his goal, then it is necessary to get satisfactory answers to all the questions arising in his mind, then only his mind can be at peace. If he does not get the answer to them, then he will blame his lover for all this and will allow himself to get carried away with emotions. But he knows it is not true. Because her lover himself is going through these situations. And if he is completely silent then that is the reason for it. But here both are patients of the same disease. And one patient cannot cure another patient. Yes, it can make the infection worse. Its main questions are.

(i) Why is his mind not in control of these feelings?

(ii) Where are these feelings attached to me?

(iii) Why was it born for him only?

(iv) Why has this never happened before? Etcetera .

Is my own mind the center of these feelings? But he realizes that the center cannot be his own mind. Because if his mind was the center then he would have definitely controlled them. Is their center their heart (heart)? As everyone says, but their center cannot be the heart because the heart itself is under the control of the mind and there is nothing in the heart that can create such uncontrolled emotions. Then it was thought that their center is necessarily my mind. Now he has started feeling all the blame on his own mind. But now the problem. It has arisen that where is the mind, after all? in my mind ? - in my heart ? - Or somewhere else in the body?

But later it turns out that this work cannot be done by the mind because the "mind" cannot be so powerful that it does not accept the control of our logical knowledge, intelligence, reason, because the mind is like a feeble desire located in our brain. Is . Just as my mind wants me to do this, I may not do it, but the mind can calm it down by its logic. - My mind wants me to consume alcohol, but our mind argues whether it is not, it is a bad thing, both for health and also socially. Then our mind will be at peace. Therefore, the tide of uncontrolled emotions that is being created is not at all inspired by my own mind or by my own will. It must have been some mighty thing which was trampling like a straw the will power, and the reasoning of the mind. and was beyond the control of the mind considered to be almighty. If the human brain is understood to be a computer, which operates and controls the entire system of our body. But that thing was like a supercomputer. Which also takes control of our heart, mind and mind. And before him intellectual knowledge and wisdom are like straw and that was the soul. But if that powerful thing is my soul but why is he having this conflict with me? And why does it beat me in favor of the other? Why did logic and reason not control me? My own body, my intellect, but when I make an argument against him (lover) harshly, then from where do I find an argument in his favor and I lose.

Who do I lose after all? Who takes the side of the other? There seems to be a court going on within me.

My reasoning, my conscience, my intellect are acting as a lawyer for my side. But who is the other lawyer? One who presents irrefutable arguments against my lawyer and always beats my lawyer. There is also a judge who always decides in favor of the other, eventually I lose. The first lawyer - (my conscience, intellect, till) whose effort was always to get out of this duality. Second Lawyer - (the soul of his lover) He wanted his side. Judge - (your own soul) the soul of another! inside me? How can this be possible? But it is true that the soul of the other (lover) was reflecting on his own soul. Souls impregnated with viciousness are marginal left souls Figure-Here first there was disturbance in both the souls and due to that there was a stir in the souls and, it created a tide of emotions on both sides. And as the separation of souls increased, the tide of emotions also increased. And when the disturbance of the souls reached the extreme limit, the souls of both the lovers were superimposed on each other, that is, they were covered. That is, their own souls remained almost insignificant and their place was taken by each other’s souls. Now theoretically speaking, the place of our soul was taken by the soul of our lover and the place of the soul of the lover was taken by our soul. And the place of his own souls was almost negligible, that is, his own souls had become weak and his place was taken by the soul of his lover. This was the reason that his decision always went in favor of his lover.

Now many questions have been solved by this. Like many people say.

1. "My heart is with you" This heart cannot really be with anyone else, because your heart is always located in your own chest and it is not possible that it reaches someone else’s chest. Truly he is his own soul that is with the other.

2. "We live in each other’s heart" When a person cannot live in his own heart, how can another person live in it? The truth is that they live in each other’s soul. "

3. "I live in your heart" means that I am now inside your soul and now you cannot win over him.

4. Many times people ask their lover for his heart, but if it is done then the person will die, because without a heart it is not possible for a person to survive at all. And the other person is also not in a position to have two hearts transplanted in the same chest.

But it means that the lover is asking for his soul from his lover. That is, remove your narrow thoughts, remove the veil from your soul and let it be imposed on my soul so that the remote control of your body, mind, intellect and conscience may come in my hands. 5. What does it mean when people say "we do jism ek jaan hai"? Their bodies are two, okay, and life is one, we also assume that but at what place is that soul between those two persons? Is it in one’s skull, in the chest, or in the hands and feet or anywhere else? In fact their souls have been imputed and therefore are not two but one. The feeling of the soul for man was similar to what Rutherford had experienced during the search for the sailor. When Rutherford bombarded the atom with Newton particles, most of the particles crossed the atom, but some particles came back the way they went, Rutherford’s surprise was no where. Because what was such a powerful thing inside the atom that the particles collided with it and came back? And that thing was the mighty sailor of the atom. Exactly the same experience happens to that character when the logic of his mind, intellect and conscience come back after colliding with a powerful soul. But now the question arises that where did the person’s own soul go? What’s over? Not ! The soul never ends. Here the soul was first tempted, then superimposed, then the souls were absorbed. Eventually there was a virtual extinction of souls. -




As jahaji Contant writer, and blogger,